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Full, strong and shiny hair: these nutrients are essential

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Healthy hair is an important beauty feature. Thinning, dull and brittle hair can therefore be a major burden.

Severe hair loss in particular is the worst nightmare for many people. Hair loss can have various causes. Often an imbalance of hormones is to blame. But stress, metabolic disorders, heavy metal pollution, medication and nutrient deficiencies can also cause hair loss and other hair problems.

Many nutrients are involved in hair growth and maintaining healthy, beautiful hair. We present the most important ones here.

vitamin C

Vitamin C can promote the survival rate and proliferation of stem cells in the hair follicles, which can accelerate the hair growth cycle. 1

In addition, vitamin C is an important antioxidant in the body that counteracts oxidative stress. Oxidative stress accelerates the aging process and appears to promote graying of hair and a reduction in hair growth. 2

Vitamin C is also needed for the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein in connective tissue. It is very rich in proline, an amino acid that is an important component of keratin. Hair is largely made up of keratin. It gives hair structure and strength.


Silicon is a trace element that is important for the development and maintenance of cartilage, connective tissue, hair, skin and nails. Silicon is a component of silicic acid, which is known to improve the elasticity and tensile strength of hair. 3

saw palmetto fruit extract

Saw palmetto fruit extract has promising properties when it comes to hair growth. It consists largely of fatty acids and also contains beta-carotene, vitamin E and phytosterols. The fatty acids it contains appear to have an antiandrogenic effect.

They inhibit the binding of DHT to androgen receptors. They can also inhibit the DHT enzyme and stimulate another enzyme that breaks down DHT. DHT is an androgen and testosterone derivative. It plays an important role in male, age-related hair loss. But women are also affected. It is also called androgenetic alopecia, i.e. hair loss caused by androgens.

In a systematic review of 7 studies with hair loss subjects, 100 – 320 mg of saw palmetto extract daily improved hair quality by 60%, increased hair count by 27%, increased hair density in 83.3% of subjects, and slowed hair progression in 52%. 4


Methionine is a sulfur-containing, essential amino acid that is found primarily in meat, eggs and nuts. Sulfur is needed for the production of keratin. 5

Methionine also inhibits tyrosinase, an enzyme that promotes graying of hair.


Cysteine ​​is also an amino acid. Keratin is very rich in cysteine. Cysteine ​​is needed for the so-called disulfide bridges in keratin. 6 Disulfide bridges are links in keratin that give the protein its shape and structure.

Cysteine ​​also has an antioxidant effect and can counteract oxidative stress, which promotes hair loss.


Zinc is very important for the health and regeneration of hair follicles. Zinc is also needed for the production of thyroid hormones. A deficiency can cause hypothyroidism, which in turn is associated with hair loss. 7

Zinc also has an antioxidant effect.

Studies have shown that zinc deficiency can cause hair loss. 8 Zinc supplementation can, in turn, correct hair loss caused by zinc deficiency. 9


Selenium is an essential nutrient that we unfortunately often lack. The soil in Germany is low in selenium, which means that our food also contains very little selenium.

Selenium contributes to a normal hair follicle cycle. 10 Selenium is also an important antioxidant that can protect against oxidative stress caused by UV radiation.

It is therefore not surprising that a selenium deficiency can cause hair loss. However, it is important to note that too much selenium can also lead to hair loss, so the right dose is crucial. 11


Copper is important for the formation of melanin because the enzyme tyrosinase, which forms melanin, contains copper.

Melanins are pigments that come in different colors and determine hair color.

A copper deficiency can therefore cause premature greying of hair. 12 However, premature greying is not always due to a copper deficiency. Other deficiencies such as iron, zinc and vitamin B2 deficiencies can also cause hair to turn grey. 13

B vitamins

B vitamins have many functions that are important for hair health. For example, they are involved in cell division, energy metabolism and amino acid synthesis.

Vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and biotin are particularly important for hair.

Vitamin B2 can support the normal hair growth cycle. A deficiency in vitamin B2 can cause hair loss. 14

Biotin is needed for keratin synthesis. A biotin deficiency causes hair loss. 15

Vitamin B6 is involved in the hair follicle cycle and regulates sebum production. It can strengthen hair and counteract inflammation in the scalp. 16

HaarVital Daily combines all important nutrients for hair

Our hair complex HaarVital Daily contains all of the substances mentioned above that are so important for hair health: vitamin C, silicon, saw palmetto fruit extract, methionine, cysteine, zinc, selenium, copper, vitamin B6, vitamin B2 and biotin.

HaarVital Daily naturally has the usual Viktilabs quality: The product is free from unnecessary additives such as colorants, sweeteners, binding agents and separating agents. Ongoing quality controls and extensive pollutant analyses guarantee the highest purity.

Here you can find HaarVital Daily .

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