Extra high dose: with 10 mg monk’s pepper extract
Without artificial additives
Best price-performance ratio: One bottle lasts for 2 months
High quality through laboratory-tested raw materials
Recommended by Dr. Sarah Neidler and others
In recent years, interest in dietary supplements has steadily increased as more and more people want to support their health and well-being through targeted supplementation. To help you make good decisions, it is important to us to provide scientifically sound information. This overview summarizes current studies that address effectiveness, safety and potential health benefits.
Happy customers are our top priority. If you are dissatisfied with a product or need help or advice, please contact us!
Support for your vegan diet
100% natural ingredients
Quality promise
Our products are manufactured in strictly tested facilities.
We use natural ingredients, without fillers and unnecessary additives
Developed in Germany
Carefully selected nutrients, gentle production,
Regularly rigorously laboratory tested for maximum purity and the best quality
Viktilabs© Qualitätsgarantie
- 100% Transparenz - alle Zutaten auf dem Label
- Frei von toxischen Extraktionsrückständen (Methanol, Aceton, N-Hexan)
- Ohne Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat und Siliciumdioxid
- Ohne Farbstoffe wie Titanoxid & Ohne Bindemittel wie PEG
- Ohne Süßungsmittel wie Aspartam, Dextrose oder Zuckeraustauschstoffe
- Ohne Geliermittel wie Carrageen
- Ohne künstliche Konservierungsstoffe wie Sorbinsäure
- Frei von Nanopartikeln, Allergenen und unverträglichen Stoffen (Laktose, Gluten)
- Herstellung ohne GMO
- Abfüllung in der EU, zertifiziert nach HACCP, GMP / ISO 9001 und IFS 7
- Laborgeprüft auf Schwermetalle
- Hochwertige, lichtgeschützte Glasverpackung (Braunglas)
- Garantiert frei von BPA und anderen Weichmachern
- Chasteberry is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to balance hormones, promote healthy menstrual cycles, and maintain reproductive health.
- 10 mg natural monk’s pepper extract per capsule
- With linseed flour
- 60 capsules in light-protected brown glass bottle
- One bottle lasts for 2 months
- Without synthetic binders
- Without artificial preservatives
- Laboratory-tested raw materials – residue-controlled
- Without gluten, lactose, artificial flavours and sweeteners, preservatives and genetic engineering
- Made in Germany
Monk's pepper is an aromatic shrub that grows in the Mediterranean region. Its fruits have been used since ancient times as a natural remedy for menstrual disorders and infertility.
Your benefits at a glance: