Schwarzkümmelöl: Wie gut wirkt es bei Allergien, Heuschnupfen & Co?

Black cumin oil: How effective is it for allergies, hay fever, etc.?

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Black cumin oil has long been considered a traditional remedy. It is said to not only relieve hay fever, but also reduce high blood pressure and even help with infertility.

In this article you will learn what black cumin oil is and how it works.

What is black cumin seed oil?

Black cumin oil is obtained by pressing real black cumin ( Nigella Sativa ).

In naturopathy, black cumin oil is used to treat hay fever.

In ancient Egypt it was also called “gold of the pharaohs”. It was said to help with many ailments such as infections, infertility and high blood pressure.

Ingredients of black cumin

Black cumin is rich in vitamin E and also contains some minerals such as copper, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium and zinc.

Black cumin also contains numerous secondary plant substances such as p-cymene, thymoquinone, α-thujene, carotenoids and other substances. Thymoquinone is said to be responsible for the pharmacological effect of black cumin oil.

Black cumin oil also contains the following fatty acids:

  • Linoleic acid: ~57%
  • Alpha-linolenic acid: ~1%
  • Oleic acid: ~22%
  • Palmitic acid: ~14%

What does black seed oil do?

Various effects of black cumin oil are currently being scientifically investigated.

Black cumin oil for histamine intolerance

Studies suggest that black seed oil may have an antihistamine effect. [1] Therefore, it is suspected that it could help with histamine intolerance.

Black cumin oil for hay fever and allergies

Black seed oil is being studied for its antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects on hay fever and allergies.

Studies suggest that black seed oil may reduce inflammation, especially in the respiratory tract. In one study, black seed oil seemed to relieve hay fever symptoms. [2]

It is recommended to start taking black seed oil a few weeks before the start of the pollen season. [3]

Black cumin oil and gingivitis

Oil pulling is becoming increasingly popular and has long been practiced in Ayurveda to improve oral hygiene. Oil pulling involves keeping about 1 teaspoon of oil in the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes and pulling it between the teeth. The oil is then spit out.

Anti-inflammatory oils are preferably used for oil pulling. This is why black cumin oil is also very suitable. In one study, oil pulling with black cumin oil seemed to reduce gingivitis. [4]

Risks and side effects of black seed oil

When taking black seed oil, nausea and itching can occasionally occur. It is usually better tolerated if taken after eating.

Allergic reactions may also occasionally occur.

There is not enough data on black seed oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Therefore, it should not be taken. During pregnancy, it could also stimulate contractions.

Buy black cumin oil

When it comes to black cumin oil, it is important to pay attention to organic quality. Black cumin oil as a dietary supplement in capsules should also be free of unnecessary additives such as binding agents, separating agents, sweeteners and colorings. Development in a German laboratory is another important quality feature.



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